Earthworks, road construction, landfill construction

Earthworks, road construction, landfill construction

Infrastructure projects such as roads, railroad lines, waterways and airports require extensive geotechnical investigations. The success of the project depends largely on the quality of the exploration, the subsoil model and the geotechnical assessment. The requirements for engineering structures such as bridges and tunnels and for earthworks in the area of cuttings and dams must be recorded.


The assessment of the reusability of the excavated soil and rock is also playing an increasingly important role. The choice of processing technology or binder treatment as well as the consideration of the legal waste conditions are decisive economic factors for the construction work.

In the field of landfill technology, we support our customers right from the exploration of suitable sites, as part of approval procedures and during the operational phase. The careful planning and design of geotechnical measures for sealing and drainage systems is the basis for the safe storage of waste.


Our services:

  • Planning and tendering of the subsoil investigation
  • Engineering geology and geotechnical investigations (field and laboratory)
  • Spatial geotechnical model also in BIM software
  • Geotechnical reports according to DIN EN 1997-2 and DIN 4020
  • Geotechnical consulting for transportation structures and earthworks
  • Advice on the use of geosynthetics
  • Advice on surfacing and the superstructure of traffic areas
  • Advice on binder treatment of floors (lime, cement, mixed binders)
  • Advice on the environmental investigation and classification of soil material
  • Advice on processing excavated soil and construction waste
  • Advice on self-compacting backfill materials (e.g. ZFSV and liquid soil)
  • Advice on site search and approval of landfills
  • Planning and design of seals in landfill technology
  • Quality assurance and technical advice for earthworks
  • Laboratory for soil mechanics, testing laboratory for earthworks and road construction

Contact person:


Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Reichenbach
Managing Partner



Dipl.-Geol. Dr. Martin Brodbeck
Managing Partner
