
Project description

Expansion of the Karl Storz logistics center, Neuhausen ob Eck

take-off GewerbePark, former airport of the Reichs-Luftwaffe during World War II

Subsoil: Filling over weathering cover over White Jurassic (so-called sloping bench limestones)

Logistics centre and production building up to 5 rising storeys

Sprinkler tanks, technical cellar

Conversions in existing buildings and ongoing operations

Excavations in White Jurassic rock to a depth of around 5 metres

High requirements for the floor slab level

Commissioned services

Subsoil investigation

orientating waste analysis

Geotechnical report

Stability analyses of excavation pits directly for existing foundations with high loads

Geotechnical consulting for implementation planning

Specialist site management for earthworks and foundation engineering


Karl Storz SE & Co. KG

Performance period

2021 bis …

Contact person

net EUR 32,000 (as at October 2021)
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Jud

