Project description
Donzdorf-Immenreute, new construction of 2 wind turbines
WINSENT wind energy test field with 2 wind turbines and four meteorological measuring masts on the Swabian Alb
Hub height of 75 m, total height of 100 m
Shallow foundation of the approx. 15 m diameter foundations in the lower rock limestones
Commissioned services
Subsoil investigation
Soil and rock mechanical laboratory tests
Geotechnical report
Numerical determination of spring stiffness
Geotechnical advice during planning and execution
Geological mapping in preparation for the extensive instrumentation of the subsurface as part of the research project
Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research
Performance period
Contact person
Dipl.-Geol. Dr. Martin-Brodbeck
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Kupka