Geotechnical laboratory
Geotechnical laboratory
Soil and rock mechanical tests are necessary in order to classify the soils and rocks encountered in the geotechnical exploration with the aid of objective comparative values in terms of soil and rock mechanics, to define homogeneous areas in accordance with VOB and to be able to determine characteristic values for earth static calculations. We plan the laboratory program, taking into account the requirements of the respective project, as early as the ground investigation stage. In this way, we ensure that the test program reflects the complexity of the planned project and the existing subsoil. This can range from standard classification tests to high-quality triaxial tests to determine the parameters of modern material laws in numerical calculations or dynamic properties of the subsoil.
The following laboratory tests are carried out in our own laboratories. This enables flexible execution at short notice:
- Determination of the water content according to DIN EN ISO 17892-1
- Determination of the density of the soil according to DIN EN ISO 17892-2
- Determination of grain density according to DIN EN ISO 17892-3
- Determination of particle size distribution according to DIN EN ISO 17892-4
- Oedometer test with gradual loading according to DIN EN ISO 17892-5
- Drop cone test according to DIN EN ISO 17892-6
- Uniaxial compression test on fine-grained soils according to DIN EN ISO 17892-7
- Direct shear tests up to 10 cm sample width according to DIN EN ISO 17892-10
- Determination of the condition limits according to DIN EN ISO 17892-12
- Sieving of mineral grains according to DIN EN 933-1
- Tightest and loosest bearing DIN 18126
- Determination of the shrinkage limit according to DIN 18122-2
- Lime content and loss on ignition according to DIN 18128 and DIN EN 17685-1
- Water absorption capacity DIN 18132
- Proctor tests according to DIN 18127
- Point load tests on rock samples according to DGGT recommendation no. 5
We carry out the following laboratory tests in cooperation with our partner laboratories, e.g. at the HfT Stuttgart or the Ruhr University Bochum:
- Unconfined compressive strength of cylindrical rock samples according to DGGT recommendation 1 and DIN 18141-1
- Cerchar (CAI) according to DGGT recommendation no. 23
- LCPC test according to DGGT recommendation no. 24
- Triaxial shear test according to DIN EN ISO 17892-Part 8 and 9
- Triaxial special tests with local instrumentation, e.g. to record strains and determine the stiffness at very small strains (small strain stiffness)
- Determination of water permeability DIN EN ISO 17892-11
- Resonant column test to determine dynamic stiffnesses
Contact person
Thorsten Widmann, M. Eng.
Head of soil and rock mechanics laboratory