Anchor monitoring point
Anchor monitoring point
The German Institute for Building Technology DIBt, Berlin, has recognized Smoltczyk & Partner GmbH by letter dated 24.08.88, new version dated 05.02.14, as a monitoring body according to the state building regulations for the monitoring of the installation of grouted anchors under building law.
Durch unser langjährige Tätikeit als PÜZ-Stellen greifen wir auf eine große Erfahrung in allen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Herstellung und Prüfung von Verankersystem und Pfählen zurück und führen in dieser Funktion die folgende Leistungen auch mit Kraft- und Wegaufnehmer sowie Pressen (gestellt durch Partnerunternehmen) durch:
- Carrying out or supervising and evaluating suitability and acceptance tests on grouted anchors in accordance with DIN EN 1537, DIN SPEC 18537 and DIN EN ISO 22477-5.
- Carrying out or supervising and evaluating test loads on micropiles in accordance with DIN EN 14199, DIN SPEC 18539 and DIN EN ISO 22477-5.
- Carrying out or supervising and evaluating test loads on soil nails.
- Carrying out special tests on pile-type load-bearing members up to 1,000 kN test load, e.g. horizontal pile test loads
- Carrying out test loads on anchoring for "flying structures" in accordance with DIN EN 13814
- Monitor the installation of grouted anchors
- Evaluation of existing anchorages with regard to load-bearing capacity and durability of temporary and permanent anchorage systems
- Risk analyses in the context of anchored security systems
- Planning, supervision and evaluation of pile test loads on deep foundation measures with high test loads
- Advice on all questions relating to the manufacture, design and calculation of anchoring systems
Contact person
Dipl-Ing. Holger Jud
Anchor monitoring center management