Planning the subsoil investigation

Planning the subsoil investigation

The subsoil investigation is an important basis for creating a model of the subsoil that is as close to reality as possible. The exploration results are summarized in a geotechnical report. The geotechnical report describes the subsoil and groundwater conditions encountered, specifies characteristic values for earth static calculations and provides structural information on the foundation, earthworks, dewatering and excavation pits, among other things.

The planning of a site investigation, i.e. the sensible choice of an investigation method tailored to the subsoil and the planned structure, as well as its scope, are of fundamental importance for further planning. We evaluate all available external and internal documents relating to the construction site in question when preparing our service and fee proposal.


We offer the following services in this context:

  • Planung und Vorbereitung: Klären der Aufgabenstellung; Ermitteln der Untergrund- und Standortverhältnisse aufgrund vorhandener, interner und externer Unterlagen (Kartenwerk, hausinterne S&P-Projekt-/Bohrprofildatenbanken); Beschaffen relevanter Bohrprofile von Fremdbohrungen.
  • Development of an exploration concept together with our experts from the fields of geotechnics, hydrogeology and environmental engineering.
  • Determination of the scope of exploration with type, number, depth and location of the outcrops as a basis for the subsequent development of a model of the subsurface.
  • Preparation of a construction specification and a bill of quantities for the planned exploration work using standard tendering software, for example for public clients.
  • Obtaining offers for aerial photo evaluation and exploration for explosive ordnance.
  • Preparation of a project-specific, economical service and fee proposal including the necessary external services.
  • Supporting the client in the tendering and awarding phase of drilling and exploration work.

Contact person:

Dipl. Geol. Dieter Tronich
Head of Engineering Geology Department
