Successful advice on foundation systems requires a sound subsoil model that already takes into account the requirements of the structure and includes the key soil mechanics parameters. For an economical design, the structure-soil interaction must also be mapped as accurately as possible. This requires numerical calculations (e.g. 3D FEM), which may also have to take dynamic effects and dynamic subsoil properties into account. Large-scale field tests, e.g. on piles, provide valuable information on the actual load-deformation behavior and generally lead to a more economical design. In the case of existing foundations, the structural condition must be recorded and documented as accurately as possible.
Our services:
- Conception of shallow, deep or KPP foundations
- Investigation and evaluation of existing foundations
- Calculations for stability and serviceability
- Recommendations for ground improvement and construction methods for special foundation engineering
- Concepts for sealing and protecting the building against moisture
- Concepts for dewatering and water law permits
- Support in obtaining official approvals
- Consulting, design and monitoring of large-scale field trials
- Design and implementation of measurement programs
- Technical support for tendering and awarding
- Geotechnical and engineering geology construction management
Contact person:
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Kupka
Geotechnical expert
Dr. Ulrich Klotz, M.Sc.
Managing Director