Building fabric assessment

Building fabric assessment

We support investors in transactions in the course of technical due diligence with expert opinions and assessments of building pollutants. We then advise building owners in the planning and tendering phase, e.g. by carrying out preliminary investigations into the pollutant situation, drawing up pollutant inventories or providing expert opinions.

Our services include:

  • Due diligence on the building pollutant situation in the course of transactions
  • Orienting investigations of the building fabric
  • Initial assessment reports on building pollutants
  • Creation of pollutant registers
  • Evaluation of the test results with regard to further use and occupational health and safety during conversion and renovation measures on the basis of current legislation
  • Investigation of recyclable building materials and asphalt
  • Creation of waste recycling concepts,
  • Remediation and disposal concepts
  • Preparation of service specifications for the remediation of harmful substances
  • Participation in tendering and awarding

Contact person:

Hartmut Reichenbach
Managing Partner
