Geotechnical field investigation

Geotechnical field investigation

A geotechnical field investigation is carried out to enable a technically safe and economical foundation for buildings or traffic routes. For this reason, it is important for every exploration project to define the scope, type and quality of the required subsoil exploration. The knowledge gained from this can be used to make the right geotechnical recommendations in conjunction with optimum equipment technology and experienced specialist personnel.

We carry out the following exploration methods in-house. This enables us to carry them out flexibly and at short notice:

  • Small boreholes (percussion coring) in accordance with DIN EN ISO 22 475-1: soil sampling; engineering, geological, soil mechanical and sensory analysis by qualified geologists
  • Light, medium and heavy dynamic probing in accordance with DIN EN ISO 22476 to verify the bearing density and consistency of the subsoil in place
  • Sounding with the compact PANDA® Rammsonde (NF P 94-105)
  • Geological mapping to record the spatial and temporal sequence of geological units and clarify their tectonic structure

Für Erkundungsprgramme, die z.B. Kernbohrungen, Drucksondierungen, Baggerschürfe oder Sonderversuche erfordern, arbeiten wir vorzugsweise mit langjährigen Partnerunternehmen zusammen, von deren Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit wir überzeugt sind. Gerne übernehmen wir die fachtechnische Betreuung als Regieleistung und unterstützen Sie bei der Planung, Vergabe, Organisation und Rechnungsprüfung. Auf Wunsch bieten wir diese Leistungen auch als Komplettleistung an. 


Beispielhaft kommen folgende Erkungsmethoden zur Anwendung:

  • Core drilling in accordance with DIN EN ISO 22 475 and excavator trenching: Instruction of the respective external company, technical supervision of the drilling and excavation work, specifications for borehole and trench backfilling or for Gw measuring point development; engineering geological, soil mechanical and sensory recording of the layer sequence by qualified geologists in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14 688-1 and DIN EN ISO 14 689 incl. carrying out soil mechanical field tests (penetrometer) and photographic documentation, incl. taking soil samples
  • Surface geophysical investigations for the exploration of geological structural and preliminary exploration, object location, cavity location (karst phenomena, cellars, old mining), pipelines, homogeneous areas, soil dynamic parameters, trench depths, anchor lengths, etc.
  • Borehole geophysics in highly stressed rock formations, e.g. optical borehole scanner (OBI/OPTV), acoustic borehole scanner (ABF), borehole deviation (BA), caliber (CAL), etc.
  • seismic borehole tests to determine the shear wave velocity and the shear modulus at small strains
  • Borehole penetration tests according to DIN 4094-2 to determine the bearing density,
  • Pressure probing (Cone Penetration Test, CPT) nach DIN EN ISO 22476-1
  • Special tests as required: e.g. lateral pressure probe DIN EN ISO 22476-7

Contact person


Dipl.-Geol. Dieter Tronich
Head of Geology Department
