Soil protection
Soil protection and soil management
Soil, as the basis of life for humans, animals and plants, is increasingly threatened by diverse human use, erosion, pollution and, above all, the sealing of urban areas. Targeted measures for soil protection and sustainable soil use are now being taken to counteract this. These include legal foundations such as the Federal Soil Protection Ordinance (BBodSchV), the systematic recording of soil conditions and the obligation to submit soil protection concepts in the course of approval procedures for construction projects.
Soil exploration and mapping
Soil exploration forms the basis for soil protection. The aim is to explore the spatial distribution of soils differentiated according to their structure and properties on a uniform basis.
Soil protection concepts
In the case of major infrastructure measures in road or pipeline construction and larger "greenfield" construction projects, soil protection concerns must now be taken into account in addition to the assessment of excavated soil under waste legislation. As part of the building application for construction projects that affect natural soils on more than 0.5 hectares, a soil protection concept in accordance with Section 2 (2) LBOVVO (Ordinance of the State Government, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of the Environment on the Building Law Procedure) must be included with the building application in Baden-Württemberg since January 2021 in accordance with Section 2 (3) LBodSchAG (Law on the Implementation of the Federal Soil Protection Act).
Soil science construction monitoring, soil management
As a rule, construction work involves the use of large areas of soil. If not handled properly, the natural soil functions can be impaired in the long term or even irreversibly. In order to minimize such damage, soil monitoring (BBB) is required for larger construction projects in accordance with the BBodSchV.
Special topics and knowledge transfer on soil protection
Thanks to our knowledge, many years of project experience and work in national and international specialist committees, we can deal with a wide range of special soil protection issues or develop individual solutions for specific projects.