Wir beraten Privatpersonen, Projektentwickler, Immobiliengesellschaften, Nutzer von Immobilien, Industriebetriebe und die öffentliche Hand bei allen umwelttechnischen Fragestellungen. Schwerpunkte sind dabei die Bereiche Boden- und Grundwasserschutz sowie Gebäudeschadstoffe.
Investigation of pollutants and contaminated sites
The basis for successful environmental consulting is thorough historical research and, building on this, a well-founded pollutant investigation. Here you benefit from our 40 years of experience in the expert, effective implementation of investigation projects involving various pollutants.
In recent years, the legal framework for the disposal of excavated material has changed fundamentally. In addition, disposal sites, recycling options and landfill areas are becoming scarcer and more expensive.
The value of a property depends on many factors. Issues such as flood protection, earthquake risk, explosive ordnance and subsoil risk are determined by the geographical location.
Contaminants present in the soil and groundwater can pollute our environment, endanger people's health, reduce the land value or impair the buildability of properties. They represent a considerable potential risk for investors.
In accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), an initial status report (AZB) must be submitted together with the application documents for new or modification approval procedures for installations that fall under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).