
Our services

An important basis of our consulting activities is the measurement and testing of the soil, groundwater, air and building fabric. We take the requirements of the project into account as early as the planning stage of the investigation and thus create tailor-made concepts of high relevance. In order to guarantee the high quality of the tests and measurements as well as to enable flexible implementation at short notice, our office has state-of-the-art laboratories and test equipment. Our experienced technicians are aware of the importance of their task and carry out the tests and measurements in a targeted manner and with the greatest possible care. 

Geotechnical field investigation

A geotechnical field investigation is carried out to enable a technically safe and economical foundation for buildings or traffic routes. For this reason, it is important for every exploration project to define the scope, type and quality of the required subsoil exploration. The knowledge gained from this can be used to make the right geotechnical recommendations in conjunction with optimum equipment technology and experienced specialist personnel.

Hydrogeological field exploration

Hydrogeological field investigations are used in all geological and geotechnical areas to explore groundwater conditions in order to identify potential risks and challenges in connection with groundwater and to be able to plan suitable measures. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out these explorations in the early planning phase of a project, for example to determine design water levels as a basis for planning and to be able to recognize and take into account the need for dewatering measures at an early stage.        

Geotechnical laboratory

Soil and rock mechanical tests are necessary in order to classify the soils and rocks encountered in the geotechnical exploration with the aid of objective comparative values in terms of soil and rock mechanics and to be able to determine characteristic values for earth stability calculations. The tests allow qualitative and quantitative differences in subsoil properties to be recorded

Chemical analyses of soil, water, air and building materials

For the classification and assessment of soil, water and air, chemical analyses are required in addition to mechanical tests. In the course of the investigation, we plan the scope of analysis and carry out the sampling. We then prepare the samples in accordance with the relevant test methods and regulations. We work together with accredited and certified laboratories for the analysis. The analysis and interpretation is carried out by our environmental technology experts.

Testing laboratory for earthworks and road construction

In our testing laboratory for earthworks and road construction, we carry out self-monitoring tests, control tests and suitability tests in the field of soil and soil improvement as part of quality assurance in accordance with ZTV E-StB, ZTV A-StB and ZTV SoB-StB.
For temporarily flowable, self-compacting backfill materials (ZFSV), so-called liquid soil, we offer all tests for formulation and quality assurance.

Anchor monitoring point

Thanks to our many years of activity as a PÜZ center, we can draw on extensive experience in all matters relating to the manufacture and testing of anchor systems and piles and in this function also carry out the following services with force and displacement transducers and presses (provided by partner companies).

Geotechnical measurements

We advise you on the planning of measurement programs, the selection of suitable measurement methods and also carry out the corresponding instrumentation and evaluation for you. We also work together with qualified partner companies.