Hydrogeological field exploration
Hydrogeological field exploration
Hydrogeological field investigations are used in all geological and geotechnical areas to explore groundwater conditions in order to identify potential risks and challenges in connection with groundwater and to be able to plan suitable measures. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out these explorations in the early planning phase of a project, for example to determine design water levels as a basis for planning and to be able to recognize and take into account the need for dewatering measures at an early stage.
In the case of hydrogeological issues, such as the exploration and development of aquifers with regard to their yield and chemical and microbiological quality as well as their long-term mineralization stability, for example for the official approval of mineral waters, extensive field investigations are required during the project.
The following tests and measurements are carried out internally, graphically displayed, evaluated and hydrogeologically assessed:
- Installation of groundwater measuring points,
- Carrying out groundwater monitoring measures with data acquisition via pressure probes and data loggers (data readout on site or remote data transmission),
- Carrying out pumping tests in boreholes and wells, including metrological monitoring (extraction, water level development, chemical-physical groundwater parameters),
- Carrying out filling tests in boreholes,
- Carrying out infiltration tests in boreholes and trenches and using double-ring infiltrometers, including metrological monitoring,
- Taking water samples for hydrochemical or microbiological analysis, including measurement of on-site parameters,
- Carrying out C02-Measurements in boreholes or trenches,
- Carrying out marking tests, including entering marking substances and taking water samples, manually or using automatic samplers.
Spezielle Untersuchungen, die wir nicht selbst durchführen können, erfolgen in Zusammenarbeit mit langjährigen, qualitativ hochwertigen, zuverlässigen und zertifizierten Partnerunternehmen. Hierbei übernehmen wir die Planung und die fachtechnische Begleitung der Untersuchungen sowie die Bewertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse.
Our cooperation with partner companies takes place in the following areas, for example:
- Carrying out groundwater analyses and microbiological tests by accredited chemical laboratories,
- Carrying out geophysical borehole measurements for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of aquifers and for determining the well development,
- Carrying out mechanical and chemical measures to regenerate wells.
Contact person:
Dipl.-Geol. Bernd Bühler
Head of Hydrogeological Field Investigation