Engineering geology
Engineering geology
Engineering geology is an interdisciplinary field of work between the classical geosciences and civil engineering. As part of applied geology and geotechnics, it deals with the mechanical and physical properties of the subsoil according to the genetically determined material properties and their geological development. This enables us to develop a realistic subsoil model for the planning and implementation of construction projects, remediation or stabilization measures. The basis for this is provided by our own and third-party subsurface investigations of all kinds, maps, mapping, internal and external geological and hydrogeological databases and the many years of experience of our engineering geologists.
Planning the subsoil investigation
The subsoil investigation is an important basis for creating a model of the subsoil that is as close to reality as possible. The exploration results are summarized in a geotechnical report. The geotechnical report describes the subsoil and groundwater conditions encountered, specifies characteristic values for earth static calculations and provides structural information on the foundation, earthworks, dewatering and excavation pits, among other things.
Carrying out the ground investigation
The subsequent geotechnical consultation depends on the quality of the subsoil exploration and the geological-geotechnical subsoil model based on it, which must be both safe and economical. For this reason, only experienced geologists and geoscientists carry out and monitor the subsoil exploration as well as the engineering geology of the drillings and the evaluation of the investigation results.
Geotechnical laboratory tests
Soil and rock mechanical tests are required in order to classify the soils and rocks encountered in the geotechnical exploration with the aid of objective comparative values in terms of soil and rock mechanics, to define homogeneous areas in accordance with VOB and to be able to determine characteristic values for earth static calculations.
Geotechnical report (subsoil expertise)
The results of a geotechnical investigation must be presented in a Geotechnical investigation report nach DIN EN 1997-2 und DIN 4020 zusammengestellt werden. Der Geotechnischen Bericht must also contain the assessment of the results of the investigation report, the foundation recommendation and the conclusions for the structure and the execution.
3D basic construction models ("BIM")
The ‘Building Information Modelling’ (BIM) working method is becoming increasingly important in project management. Most construction projects affect the subsoil. This means that the subsoil is part of the overall BIM model. The subsoil is visualised as three-dimensional digital models that are implemented in the overall model. This makes it possible to make the use of subsoil information more efficient and transparent for all parties involved.
Climate change and the associated extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall or periods of drought are increasing the risk of geohazards. In addition, the development of new building areas for housing and industrial construction as well as for infrastructure measures is increasingly taking up areas that were previously not built on for good reason, such as floodplains with soft soils or floodplains, landslide or creeping slopes, karst or rockfall areas.
Deposits are areas of the earth's crust in which solid, liquid or gaseous raw materials are found in high, natural concentrations. We primarily advise on mineral and non-mineral deposits that are developed either above ground in open-cast mines or underground in shafts and tunnels.