Deposits are areas of the earth's crust in which solid, liquid or gaseous raw materials are found in high, natural concentrations. We primarily advise on mineral and non-mineral deposits that are developed either above ground in open-cast mines or underground in shafts and tunnels.
We focus on issues relating to exploration, assessment, approval, stability, serviceability and environmental aspects.
In addition, we also carry out investigations into the geothermal potential of the subsurface and advise you on economic development options for your project.
Our services are:
- Conception and planning of exploratory measures
- Evaluation, visualization and correlation of boreholes
- Comparison of geophysical measurements with drilling data
- Geological and hydrogeological modeling
- Assessment of the geology and hydrogeology
- Numerical calculations for stability and serviceability
- Concepts for dewatering and water law permits
- Advice on the environmental investigation and classification of soil material
- Assessment of vibration effects from blasting operations
- Stability of backfills
Contact person
Dipl.-Geol. Dr. Martin Brodbeck
Managing Partner,
Engineering geology and hydrogeology
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Jud
Managing Partner
Engineering geology and geotechnics