
Project description

Ingolstadt, Südliche Ringstraße 64: Donau Tower

Plot area approx. 70 m x 45 m, approx. 3,000 m2

Gross floor area of the new building around 13,000 m2

2 basement levels, deepest excavation level around 11 m below ground level

1, 6 and up to 15 storeys rising upwards, building height up to 57 m above ground level

Column loads up to Vk = 12 MN, area loads up to qk = 300 kN/m2

Green roof areas and rainwater infiltration via trenches

Commissioned services

Subsoil investigation

Soil mechanical and chemical laboratory tests

Hydraulic monitoring of the groundwater measuring points

Pumping tests in the boreholes developed into GWM

Geotechnical and hydrogeological report

Assessment of the pollutant situation

Combined pile and slab foundation (KPP) as a foundation recommendation

Geotechnical advice on the infiltration of rainwater and surface water

Geotechnical construction management, subsoil inspection


Ed. Züblin AG, SF-Bau 2 division, Ingolstadt site

Performance period

2020 until today
