Project description
Südstadtbogen, Neu-Ulm
15 up to 8-storey commercial and residential buildings above a shared 3-storey underground car park on a floor area of 300 m by 65 m
Excavation depths of up to 12 m with a groundwater inclusion of up to 5 m
Tight pit enclosure
Temporary groundwater relaxation in the Tertiary
Permanent protection against floating in partial areas
Commissioned services
Subsoil investigation
Soil mechanical laboratory tests
Pumping tests in the boreholes developed into GWM
Geotechnical and hydrogeological report
Application for water rights for temporary and permanent interventions in groundwater
Geotechnical and hydrogeological consulting in the course of implementation planning and construction work
Design of dewatering and relaxation of the tertiary, in particular the monitoring method for ensuring safety against floating of the natural sealing layer during the construction period
Supervision and evaluation of pile test loads
Deformation calculations to estimate different settlements for different construction sequences in the superstructure
Realgrund AG (i.L.) / investor group
Performance period
2016 – heute
Contact person
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rumpelt