Project description
W2 Campus, Stuttgart
New construction of an office complex in the Vaihingen/Möhringen business park (Synergiepark Stuttgart) in three staggered construction phases
Construction of four 5-storey building sections above a shared 2-storey underground car park on an area of 25,000 m2
Soil and rock nailing, soldier pile shoring
Single and strip foundations, statically effective floor slab
Commissioned services
Subsoil investigation, geotechnical reports
Geotechnical advice during planning and execution
Water law authorisation applications
Feasibility study on geothermal energy
Quality assurance of geothermal probes according to LQS EWS for 83 EWS with individual lengths of 135 m
Specialist construction management for special civil engineering, foundation and earthworks
Hydrogeological monitoring in accordance with the ancillary provisions of the water permit
Waste technology consulting and monitoring as part of the construction work
W2 City GmbH & Co. KG, Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn
Performance period
2021 - ongoing
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Baun, Dipl.-Geol. Ralph Schleifenheimer and Dr Dipl.-Geol. Frank Lange