Sindelfingen, Daimler - P303

Project description

Sindelfingen, Daimler AG: Extension P 303 - East
Remediation planning, specialist construction supervision with waste classification of excavated soil and preparation of the work and safety plan for soil and pollutant remediation before the start of the shell construction work for the car park extension P 303 in Sindelfingen
Relevant pollutants: PAH, MKW, settleable and filterable substances

Commissioned services

Orientating investigation and detailed investigation for pollutants
Preparation of a remediation plan and definition of occupational safety measures for the remediation of pollutants and preparation of a work and safety plan and participation in planning and tendering
Specialist construction supervision and waste classification of the excavated material
Documentation, communication with authorities and pollutant-related project management


Daimler AG

Performance period

2018 – 2020

Contact person

Dipl.-Geol. Dr. Frank-Michael Lange
M.Sc. Mirka Papenheim
