Project description
Tower at Mailänder Platz, Europaviertel in Stuttgart
Hotel and flat block with three basement floors, a seven-storey base building and a tower block with 20 upper floors.
Part of the urban railway line completed in 2017 is located on the construction site of the high-rise building. U12 der Stuttgart streetcarswhich runs in two tunnels underneath and is being built over in parts.
Location of the new building in the inner zone in accordance with the Stuttgart Ordinance on the Protection of Medicinal Springs.
Commissioned services
Subsoil investigation, geotechnical report
Geotechnical consulting for implementation planning
Foundation optimisation and numerical calculations of the combined pile-plate foundation (KPP)
Obtaining authorisation for the KPP in individual cases
Water law authorisation application and exemption application for work in the inner zone of the medicinal spring protection area
Specialist site management for specialist civil engineering work and hydrogeological support
Specialist earthworks supervision for the partial backfilling of the basement levels for the access road
Waste technology consulting and support during construction
Strabag Real Estate GmbH
Performance period
2017 – 2021
Contact person
Dr.-Ing. Annette Lächler