Stuttgart, Rotebühlplatz 20 Calwer Passage_18-185

Project description

Stuttgart, Calwer Passage

New construction of a neighbourhood development for retail, flats and offices in compliance with the preservation order

Foundation of the 5 rising storeys with partial utilisation of the existing basement

Roof greening with mixed forest

New construction in the city centre with adjoining tunnels and light rail and SSB stops

Shallow foundation in gypsum keuper (dark red marl, Bochinger horizon)

Subsequent anchoring of existing bored pile walls

Commissioned services

Subsoil investigation

Geotechnical report

Water law / water law monitoring

Geotechnical advice on securing excavations, foundations in existing buildings and in the area of new buildings and drainage

Geotechnical and engineering geology construction management


R20 GmbH & Co. KG

Performance period

2019 – 2022

Contact person

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rumpelt
