Project description
Westerheim, new construction of 2 wind turbines
Wind turbines at the Westerheim site (‘Westerheim III’ wind farm) with 2 wind turbines on the Swabian Alb
1 new site, 1 old site, old WTG to be replaced by new one
Hub height of 166 m, total height of up to 247 m
Impact area: approx. 21,000 m² in total without access road
Commissioned services
Soil protection concept
Drill holes using a Pürckhauer boring bar according to DIN 19 639
Description of the soils encountered in accordance with DIN 4 220
Chemical analyses of the topsoil and subsoil according to BBodSchV
Preparation of a quantity balance
Creation of a soil protection plan
EnBW Windkraftprojekte GmbH, Stuttgart
Performance period
Contact person
Dipl.-Geol. Dr. F.-M. Lange