About our company
Here we have our own laboratory for soil mechanics, a department for engineering geology and hydrogeology field tests as well as conference rooms. We have had a branch office in Abstatt near Heilbronn since 2016 and a branch office in Weingarten (Upper Swabia) since 2020. We have experience from over 8000 projects and are therefore your partner for all questions relating to geotechnics, hydrology and environmental technology.
We have been operating successfully for more than four decades, mainly in Germany, but also worldwide. Our office is run by 45 civil engineers and geologists, hydrogeologists, environmental scientists as well as commercial and technical staff together with the managing partners.
Our history
From its foundation in 1976 to the present day - the most important milestones in our company history:

Foundation of the Baugrundinstitut Smoltczyk & Partner GmbH by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Dr.-Ing. E.h. Ulrich Smoltczyk in Böblingen

Relocation of the company headquarters to Stuttgart. Advice on the first major geotechnical projects, including DB AG's Stuttgart-Mannheim railway line

Move into the new office and laboratory building in Stuttgart, Untere Waldplätze 14, hydrogeology as an additional consulting field

Change of name to Smoltczyk und Partner GmbH. Expansion of the range of consulting services to include environmental technology with a focus on contaminated sites and building pollutants

Expansion of consulting services in environmental technology to include soil protection and in hydrogeology to include heat utilization (geothermal energy)

Establishment of our second location in Abstatt near Heilbronn, increased consulting activities in the Heilbronn-Franken region

Establishment of a further location in Weingarten, increased consulting activities in the Upper Swabia region, including the expansion of the B31 motorway

With 45 employees in Stuttgart, Heilbronn and Upper Swabia, S&P is one of the leading independent consulting engineering firms for geotechnics, hydrogeology and environmental engineering in Germany. Expansion of the range of consulting services to include digital ground models (also in BIM), renewable energy and sustainability.
Your contact persons
We stand for sustainability, innovation and cost-effectiveness in your project.

Dr. Dipl.-Geol. Martin Brodbeck M.Sc.
(Managing Partner)

Holger Jud
(Managing Partner)

Dr. Ulrich
Klotz M.Sc.
(Managing Director)

Annette Lächler
(Managing Partner)

Hartmut Reichenbach
(Managing Partner)

Berthold Rilling

Thomas Rumpelt

Dr. Samereh Abdolali Pour
(Project manager)

Christian Baun
(Authorized representative)

Bernd Bühler
(Authorized representative, Head of Field Investigation)

Dr. Dipl.-Geol.
Frank-Michael Lange
(Authorized representative)

Ralf Pfisterer
(Project Manager Geotechnics)

Torsten Rexhäuser
(Authorized representative)

Peter Ströhle
(Authorized representative)

Dieter Tronich
(Authorized representative)

Thorsten Widmann
(Head of Laboratories)

(Project manager)

Michael Kupka
(Project Manager Geotechnics)
Our team
We work hands-on on your projects.
Our memberships
Active participation in professional associations that are particularly relevant to our consulting fields has been a particular concern of ours from the very beginning. Today, our employees are represented in the following organizations, where they play a key role in shaping the professional issues of the future as board or advisory board members, working group leaders or members of specialist committees and working groups.
National professional associations:
- Stuttgart Association of Architects and Engineers (AIV)
- altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V. (AF)
- German Soil Association (BVB)
- Federal Association of German Geoscientists (BDG)
- German Society for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (DGEB)
- German Society for Geotechnics (DGGT)
- Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfachs e.V. (DVGW)
- German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA)
- Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV)
- Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Engineers (INGBW)
- Engineering Association for Contaminated Sites and Land Recycling e.V. (ITVA)
- Study Association for Underground Transportation Facilities (STUVA)
- Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI)
- Association of German Engineers (VDI)
- Association of Road Construction and Traffic Engineers in Baden-Württemberg e.V. (VSVI)
Professional Associations International:
- Amerikanische Gesellschaft der Bauingenieure (ASCE)
- Internationale Vereinigung für Ingenieurgeologie und Umwelt (IAEG)
- Internationale Gesellschaft für Geokunststoffe (IGS)
- Internationale Gesellschaft für Felsmechanik (ISRM)
- Internationale Gesellschaft für Bodenmechanik und Geotechnik (ISSMGE)
- Institut der Bauingenieure (ICE)
Here you can see our publications up to the year 2010 in chronological descending order:
Jahr 2024:
Jud, H., Brodbeck, M.: Geotechnical consulting on slopes and landslide-prone slopes in southern Germany, 20th Biberach Geotechnical Seminar, January 23, 2024
Jud, H., Warber, K. : Helgoland - Exploration work under offshore conditions, Conference proceedings 14th Colloquium Building in Soil and Rock, Technical Academy Esslingen (2024)
Kupka, M., Brodbeck, M. : Neckartalbrücke Horb - Geotechnical challenges on challenging subsoil, Conference Proceedings 14th Colloquium Building in Soil and Rock, Technical Academy Esslingen (2024)
Lächler, A., Franzius, J.-N. : Arena 24 - Stadium conversion during ongoing match operations, conference proceedings 14th Colloquium Building in Soil and Rock, Technical Academy Esslingen (2024)